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An Apology to My Descendants

Nov 12, 2018

An apology from a member of a most selfish and deceitful generation... I was raised to be concerned for the welfare others, especially the poor and disadvantaged. I am a baby boomer, born in the late 1940's, and the generosity and sacrifices of my parents’ generation provided me with a world free of fascist tyranny, an affordable education that enabled me to provide financially for my family, and Social Security and Medicare for my wife and me at this stage of our lives. But times have changed.

Members of my selfish generation are leaving my children and grandchildren with a system where only a few can afford higher education or earn a living wage, there is an ever increasing national debt fueled by payouts to the super rich, global warming sustained by the lies and deceit of industry leaders and politicians, and a political party that promotes racism, nationalism and fascism and is working actively to eliminate Social Security and Medicare for future generations.

I will continue to speak out with you and for you about these injustices, and to uncover the lies borne of such enormous greed by certain members of my generation.

Please contact us at info@beetlesoup.com with any questions or comments.